New Project – Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu English Translation

Amakute Hoshiteru Torokeru Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo

Recently, I have been slower on blog updates. Since summer, I had wanted and even forced myself to post once every three to four days. Part of this is simply to further my writing abilities. Practice makes perfect, or in my case, slightly more intelligible. I also want to make blogging a habit and an experience I can commit to. More importantly, I want to keep this blog fresh with fun (hopefully…) content. However, February has seen only four posts.

Midterm season has kept me really busy. Academic pressures and post-graduation plans take up a lot of time. Thus, I have a lot less spare moments to spend on anime and blogs. Furthermore, I also have some rather personal stuff to deal with… but I am not going to bore you with that. Anyway, besides some anime viewing and scanlation editing for Wings of Yuri, I devoted most of my free time to a small project.

Amakute Hoshiteru Torokeru Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo

In the last few weeks, I have begun translation of one of the Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo games. Released in December, Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu is the seventh installment of the Hanabira visual novel series. I wanted to see all eight eventually be translated, especially now that progress is happily evident on all of them. Since the first has been translated by Count Pacula, the second by Kamyu, and the third in progress by Yuriko, I decided to do the seventh as the fourth, fifth, and sixth are extensions of the first three.

Amakute Hoshiteru Torokeru Chuu English Translation

I am now three chapters in and I plan on sending the scripts to other translators for proof-reading. Of course, I am looking for experienced people to help with the programming aspects of making an English patch or helping with any other aspects.

So yea… That pretty much took up a lot of my time. I probably should have mentioned this earlier because it seems another group is also interested in this. (Thanks for the information, Sellers!)

In any case, I look forward to seeing this get translated soon.

Edit: I am now working with Tsukimori from Amae Hanazono. She has been amazing at getting the project underway!

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137 Responses to New Project – Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu English Translation

  1. 2DT says:

    >>but I am not going to bore you with that.

    By all means, bore me. You have my e-mail.

    As far as reasons for not posting go, though, this translation project is a pretty darn good one. Good luck!

    • Yi says:

      @2DT: Thank you so much for being willing to listen. I really appreciate it. It’s a bit personal yet though so I’m not sure if I’m ready to share yet. Still, it’s so comforting that you’re there. ^ ^

      Anyway, thanks for the good luck. I hope I finish through with it.

  2. Shinra says:

    Good Idea!!! I’ll be waiting on the translations ^^ Horray for English!!!

    Oh, yeah, Hanabira 7…… Hummm….. tho i prefer the others cuz this 1 is kinda…. weird?
    But I’ll try to replay it after the English ones are release.

    Gambate to Mattemasu…. Gamann Gamann….

  3. Hi Yi,

    I know exactly how you are feeling at the moment. Papers up the ying-yang, exams to study for, figuring out what I am going to do after I graduate in December and a whole bunch of other things. So pretty much I haven’t had much time to do some serious blogging over the past few weeks, but now that things are starting to calm down a bit I am going to devote some more time to AFC (And Finally Anime as well). I have a ton of reviews and other things that I have been meaning to get to, so this weekend I will be getting back to business.

    Just remember to stay clam and think positive, do that and good things will come your way!!!!!!!!! Catch ya later!!!!!!!

  4. Lylibellule says:

    To graduate is an important thing and private life is as much important and are in much priority than a blog so it’s not so serious that you couldn’t post as much lately.
    Well, it’s a big project you have here! Congrats! I hope you’ll find people to help you. 😉

  5. Canne says:

    4 posts in one month is actually satisfactory in my standard. The thing is that I’m pretty busy as well and if you update too often, I won’t be able to catch up -_-‘

    BTW, doing another project seems like taking another step higher as a yuri fan 🙂

    • Yi says:

      @Canne: I can only imagine how much work med school must be. I’m actually amazed you could still write well thought out reviews regularly. It’s really impressive. ^ ^
      4 posts is actually not that bad; I just wanted to be able to start doing 2 posts/ week.
      Anyway, I thought it might be fun to try doing this.

  6. Deby says:

    ah, well….. i don’t find the link for the translation for the second game….. does it realy exist???

  7. rockleelotus says:

    great to hear you wanna put more effort into your blogging but we cant help but take care of important events when they come up. thats a huge project your taking on with translating the game! very awesome, hope we can find some people to help you with the patching. good luck with everything ^_^

  8. Ningyo says:

    Whoaho, that’s quite a big project to man-up to. Good luck. Glory and victory, and I shall await the results with bated breath.

    I feel ya on the blogging, I haven’t been doing much of it either. Between easy-peasy high school and getting enough beauty sleep, there’s little to no space for something as time consuming as a 3000 word ningyo-ramble. I’m borderline failing math (such is the fate of someone aspiring to write), but you’ve still got it harder than me, so I empathize. I remember those days when I survived in HK by a thread. Don’t ever want to experience that again.

    • Yi says:

      @Ningyo: Sometimes I read your post and I wonder how you find the time to write such good long editorials. Well, I probably am not as busy as most other people; I just complain too much. ^ ^
      Anyway, good luck in math although it’s not that important depending on your field.

      • Ningyo says:

        Aw, you flatter me. I have the time precisely because they’re not good :p
        And well, we’re all busy with our own things, not only including schoolwork. The fact you can’t post frequently and that you’re manning this huge project is a testament to that, no?

        True, it’s not, where I’m headed. But it’s still pulling down my average and making me appear a bit silly ^^;

        • Yi says:

          @Ningyo: It’s not baseless flattery. ^ ^
          I really do enjoy your posts. Often times, I’d read a post, look back, and be surprised that it was a really lengthy entry. The words fly by quickly because I enjoy the content. ^ ^
          Anyways, good luck with school.

  9. Sellers says:

    Deby: Hanabira 2 has been pretty much totally translated. However, it has not been patched, it’s translations are spanned out over several pages on Wings of Yuri’s “About” comments, and the link to the first chapter is defunct. Lamentably, queries requesting a replacement link have been unsuccessful. Just wait and see at this point, I suppose.

    I agree with the other comments, Yi. You’re not exactly being remiss in your blog duties; you’re acting above and beyond the call of duty with this project. Also, you’re a bit of a lolicon. Just a bit.

    • Yi says:

      @Sellers: Lolicon? What are you talking about? I’m only interested in the teacher of course… j/k. Yea, I probably am a bit of a lolicon.

      • Sellers says:

        It’s terribly unkind to… yourself if you only focus on the more negative (albeit more humorous) side of the comment. Thanks for the work.

        If you want someone to check the quality of your English, I wouldn’t mind doing so. Of course, I’m not particularly worried about the quality of your English, as you’re generally well-spoken.

        On another note, you’re really enjoying the reply option, aren’t you?

        • Yi says:

          @Sellers: That is true. I should focus on the positives more… Although hopefully being a lolicon is not such a negative. ^ ^ j/k
          Once I get enough translations done, I will definitely take you up on the offer of QC if you are still up for it then. Thanks a lot! ^ ^
          Anyways, I’m testing out the reply option for this post. I was a bit hesitant about it before because it feels a bit like padding my comment count. It also feels awkward when I look over at the “Recent Comments” widget and see only my own comments.
          On the upside though, the threaded replies seem to promote more conversation rather than just comments.

        • Sellers says:

          Everything’s a bit of a double-edged sword, isn’t it? Try not to worry about it.

          I expect that I’d be available for any quality checking whenever you need me; I think you have my email. Good luck, as your the one doing the actual work.

        • Yi says:

          @Sellers: Thanks. ^ ^

    • AXYPB says:

      If the script of the second game has been fully translated already, I will do whatever it takes to see to it that a patch is created. If I can get some help reassembling the pieces, I will put together a script. I even did some graphic replacement already just because.

      • Yi says:

        @AXYPB: That’s a great idea. I would leave a comment on Wings of Yuri. Kamyu from there did the translations.

        • Sellers says:

          If you can get their OK, I have all the files save the original chapter one translations; I wouldn’t mind putting them together and maybe going over them myself.

        • AXYPB says:

          I would have left a comment there, but comments on Wings of Yuri are closed.

        • Yi says:

          @Sellers + AXYPB: Hm… It is indeed closed. Try emailing them.
          I actually don’t have the complete English files either for that one either.

        • AXYPB says:

          Despite that, I experimented with script replacement and found that there’s an odd word-wrapping problem that causes unnatural indentation after the first line. I’m trying to reverse-engineer CountPacula’s patched EXE for the first game and found only a few bytes were changed. I would contact him for details, but I’ve emailed him in the past and he has yet to answer.

        • AXYPB says:

          After looking through the script in more detail, I’ve noticed that large portions of text in each chapter have been left untranslated. The translated files are missing hundreds of lines compared to the Japanese originals. What now?

        • Swordwind says:

          That seems rather…extensive. The H-Scenes were put as separate files, if you didn’t know. Can you be a bit more specific?

        • AXYPB says:

          I didn’t know. I could only find one. The numbers match up for the second chapter, but I can’t find the rest of them.

        • AXYPB says:

          Also, comments in the About section at solelo have reopened, so I posted a request there.

        • Swordwind says:

          I suppose we’ll just wait until you get a response, then. Thanks for your work.

        • Yi says:

          @AXYPB: Hm… I actually haven’t talked to Shijima yet. In fact, I haven’t really done anything yet. But since the about section is reopened, it’s best to ask directly!
          Thank you so much for the work!

          Anyways, the reply threads are getting a bit out of hand. For comments on a new topic, start a new comment rather than as a reply.
          Thanks. ^ ^

      • AXYPB says:

        This is a frame from early in chapter 2. Have you encountered this problem yet in your project? I need to know how to get around it before going any further.

        • Sellers says:

          If Yi doesn’t know either, you can always try over at Tsundere Translations. I heard Count was also planning on helping with Hanabira 3.

          Kamyu doesn’t have any contact information. If you want, I can try talking to Shijima.

        • AXYPB says:

          Please do. I don’t know the nature of shijima’s involvement in the technical aspect of the translation, so I don’t know how to ask him for help on this.

        • Yi says:

          @AXYPB: I see the problem with the thing now. I’m not good with any of the patching stuff, so yea…
          I think Tsukimori from or Count Pacula should be able to offer better help, so try emailing them.

          Edit: It seems you’re active on hanabirakun already. ^ ^

          As for using Kamyu’s scripts, I will email shijima about it. She should have Kamyu’s email and the full script (I think she proofread them). Shijima’s a very good friend and she’s very nice, so I’m sure she’d be happy to help.

        • Sellers says:

          I’ll leave that to you, then. I don’t know Shijima at all.

        • AXYPB says:

          I’ve contacted Tsukimori. Thank you for asking shijima for permission. If I do get their blessing, I will have to do further copy editing on the script as I insert it. Please let them know that as well.

      • AXYPB says:

        It has been one year since I started my mission to translate this game. I thank everyone who enjoyed our releases and those who made them possible.

  10. chubbybots says:

    Its tough committing to a blog with so many real life issues like exams, work and family stuff. Those issues will have to take precedence over blogging I am afraid. Sometimes I wonder with so much stuff going on can I ever finish my ever growing backlog of gunpla lol…

    But doing a translation, thats one huge project mate 😀 All da best for that ^^

    • Yi says:

      @chubbybots: Thanks for the good wishes. Though I think backlogs are something almost any serious anime fans will eventually have, I hope you finish your backlog of gunpla.

  11. koyot3 says:

    It is alot of work to do translate projects, especially this as it is a game. I’ll definately look forward to this as they are the cutest couple of the series.

  12. Deby says:

    ehe! thanks Sellers ^^

  13. softz says:

    Translation!!! That’s very cool! I’d love to read your translated work ASAP. Let me checkout more when I’m home.

    It’s really hard to maintain blogs as in constantly updating it. For myself, writing itself poses some problems, I need to get ideas. Taking photos can only happen during the weekend. For weekdays, when I get home and have dinner, it’s already 9pm. With no tripod at moment, I can’t take night photography without pumping up the ISO. Yet, some weekends, need to spend time with family (esp. wifey), shopping and stuff.

    It’s good to do the things you like while still young. I can’t imagine when I have kids, will I still have the luxury of doing all these things. Something for me to ponder.

    • Yi says:

      @softz: I think photoblogs are even harder to maintain. It seems like so much more work then to simply write. I am constantly amazed by your ability to post quality beautiful photographs frequently.
      Anyways, for everyone, there are always priorities in life that take precedence to blogging.
      I hope you do still find the luxury to do what you love even as you move on to the next stage of your life. ^ ^

  14. shijima says:

    Oh wow, this is amazing!
    Thank you for taking this project on.
    It’s rare to find a yuri visual novel, and even rarer to find one translated.
    Trust me when I say I’m someone who understand what an undertaking this is. 😀
    You’re definitely awesome!
    And definitely a big thank you for all the help you’ve given in editing too.
    I actually don’t see how you were able to fit all of this in including school.
    Thank you again!

    • Yi says:

      @shijima: You flatter me. ^ ^
      I’m actually a bit afraid that I might have bit off more than I can chew. 😦
      Anyways, I actually tend to exaggerate a lot… I have a lot of free time due to only taking 10 units. ^ ^
      I’m just a lazy person.

  15. Akira says:

    Wow Yi ! This is definitely a wonderful news to all yuri fans. And I understand the pain of not understanding anything from something but you still want to see what happens for the people who don’t understand Japanese. But I managed to get better at Japanese now, at least I can understand 65% of the game 🙂 not as much as you of course, so thank you so much for dedicating your time in this. I would love to help out too, is there any way I help to speed up this realty to all english yuri fans? although I can’t really help with patching…

    but it’s amazing that you can balance all that, and college too. but again I totally understand how you feel right now, as I told oyu before that we are on the same boat. good luck with everything 🙂

    • Yi says:

      @Akira: I actually tend to blow things out of proportion. Haha. I’m not as busy as I wrote, especially as a second-semester senior with only 10 units.
      Right now, I’m not sure I need any help on translations except with patching stuff, but I’ll definitely contact you if I need help in something.
      Good luck with everything you’re doing as well. ^ ^

  16. lovelyduckie says:

    “even forced myself to post once every three to four days”

    Don’t force yourself 😦 blogging isn’t as fun if you’re forcing yourself

    • Yi says:

      @lovelyduckie: Not necessarily forcing… But more like willed myself to actually sit down and write out my ideas. I get some ideas for posts sometimes, or I watch something that really inspires to write a review, but I’m just too lazy to actually put into words, so that’s what I have to do sometimes.
      But I definitely agree. This should be a fun experience. ^ ^

  17. moemoekyun says:

    Translation *_* awesome
    good lukc for all
    don’t force for posting you will end like me lol I have 15 drafts while writing with tons of grammar mistake >_>

  18. Reltair says:

    Ganbatte! Always nice to hear about things being translated so that people like me can understand what’s going on.

    Good luck with your translation project and with your academics!

  19. Kind of fun to get involved in all of these different areas that are tangentially related to anime and manga even if it becomes harder to write updates. As for me, I know that if I can personally meet a quota of 4-5 posts a month, I’m usually pleased. Always best to go at your own pace to avoid burnout.

    • Yi says:

      @zzeroparticle: “Always best to go at your own pace to avoid burnout.”
      Very good advice. I’m actually kind of close to a burnout, but hopefully I’ll be able to manage.

  20. Katsura-chan says:

    That’s a very good idea !! I want english translation so badly 😀
    There’s not many things i can do to help but i wish you good luck on this project, it’s important for many people, not just me 🙂

  21. Smithy says:

    Ooh, interesting. Will look forward to a translated version, though I’ve yet to play the original as well.

  22. biotoxic says:

    Taking up a translation project sounds challenging, good luck with it :D. I look forward to seeing the results, keep us updated with how things are going.

  23. Blowfish says:

    I am not really a Yuri Conoissuer but its nice that youre giving something back to the community by translating.
    Its especially nice with Niche Titles since its alot harder to find them.We dont need 10 groups translating the same popular title but circles doing some not so popular stuff. Who cares about e-peen anyway?

    Kudos To you!

    • Yi says:

      @Blowfish: Sono Hanabira is kind of a niche title because yuri is kind of a niche genre compared to other visual novels. I do hope that this will make it more popular!
      Thanks. ^ ^

  24. Yuki says:

    wow that’s amazing! I hope you can do the upcoming 8th too. >DDD And good luck in your midterms (or is it already over?) And then again, good luck on your finals! Finally graduating, eh? XD!!

    Faito Yi-san! =D

    • Yi says:

      @Yuki: Thanks! First round of midterms are over, and I am really looking forward to spring break, which should be coming up soon.

    • Yi says:

      @hossammilan: Thanks for the link. I’ve contacted them and I hope we can cooperate as well.

      • Tsukimori says:

        Yeah, I hadn’t realized that anyone was actually going to translate this.

        Anyway, collaboration sounds great.
        I’ve already sent you an email.

        • Yi says:

          @Tsukimori: I probably should have announced it sooner but I think it would definitely be much better if we collaborate. It’s too much for me to single handedly take on.

          Thank you so much for your email. ^ ^

        • Tsukimori says:

          You should check your email again. :p

          Since you’ve already started, I guess Rave(the other translator) and I will be working from the end.

        • Yi says:

          @Tsukimori: That sounds great! ^ ^
          Thank you guys so much for the collaboration. ^ ^

  25. Sion says:

    a 7th? I haven’t even seen the 6th installment of the series yet.
    Luckily spring break just started for me.

  26. Mihabel says:

    Gotta say that count pacula sure gave you guys inspiration for translating the hanabira games 🙂

    Good luck with this one!!!

    • Yi says:

      @Mihabel: Yea definitely. I have a lot of respect for Count Pacula for completing and inspiring many of us to help make this amazing yuri game series be more accessible and gain the popularity and recognition it deserves.

  27. February was just too short… I was trying to make posts too, but that darn Olympics got in the way, lol. But anyway, take care of the boring stuff first so you can do the exciting one sooner ^^

    Good luck in your translation project. I should really start the first one too at least. I’m such a procrastinator… Unfortunately I know next to nothing of programming, so I’m no help ^^;;

    And hope the personal stuff isn’t too much too handle.

    • Yi says:

      @lightningsabre: February is indeed the shortest month. It felt even shorter because of all the things going on.
      “But anyway, take care of the boring stuff first so you can do the exciting one sooner ^^”
      That’s a good attitude. ^ ^
      Thanks for the encouragements.
      Anyway, I have contacted hanabira-kun and I am sure he will be a great help. ^ ^

  28. marcaluy says:

    yay!!!the more the merrier…and faster too^^ im trying to learn japanese so that maybe one day(i hope) i can help

    GOAL: learn japanese to be able to read mangas

  29. AXYPB says:

    I’ve gotten permission from shijima, but still no one has managed to contact kamyu. My only option now is to ask around for a translator to fill in the gaps, but I really wanted a consistent narrative. If I can find someone willing to translate chapter one and the bits of the other chapters that have been omitted, I’ll only need to find a way to fix the word-wrap issue and I can get to work.

  30. Decliner says:

    So Solelo’s working on 2? Or is it that they translated it already? If so, I can’t seem to find it and I’d ask to send me a link to the download.

    • Yi says:

      @Decliner: Solelo/ Wings of Yuri has somewhat done part of 2. AXYPB is interested in making a patch. Download for the raw scripts are so scattered… I have no idea where they are.

      I would try to dig through the comments on Wings’s about page.

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  32. xX777Xx says:

    Good luck with the project.

  33. Dragon of Hourai says:

    Aiya!!! i c-can’t take much more of this! im comptely conflicted about getting Hanabira 7 i have 8, 3 and 5 and i was thinking about getting Hanabira 7 but. . . im conflicted about the loli XD im not much of a lolicon (lie!) but im still enteresed in this one and i think it would just fill a tad strange (but i not sure if i mind that much. . .) Mataku so confusing Confusing!! @_@

    • Yi says:

      @Dragon of Hourai: Well, if you are a bit of a lolicon, I think this will be really good. Runa is really really loli!
      Well, if you’re really conflicted, you can always download it and see if you like it first. ^ ^

  34. ZT says:

    YES! After much, much digging, I managed to find a Chinese script, courtesy to lovesky, for Hanabira 7. She labeled it as a “beta”, but it looks pretty complete to me. Not like I could pick up anything missing since I can’t read Japanese lol. Though not as convenient as a game patch, reading the translation alongside while playing the game is good enough for me, heh. Since accessing the Chinese forums require sign-ups and some tedious search work, here’s a mediafire link for your convenience. I hope this will be of use to you guys. And Yi, I hope this would be of use to you for your English Hana7 translation.

    • Yi says:

      @ZT: Thanks thanks and more thanks! This will be a big help for me!!

      It’s not as convenient as a patch, but it sure is enough I think. Beats not understanding any dialogue at all by a long stretch!

  35. AXYPB says:

    I’ve noticed something while reading discussions about Runa and Takako. I’ve heard plenty of praise for their relationship, but nowhere near as many complaints about the age difference. Whenever I see any such reservations around Kodomo no Jikan for example, I just want to point them to the seventh visual novel and see what they say about that. Why do you suppose this is the case?

    • Yi says:

      @AXYPB: I think the difference might be because Hanabira is explicit, both in the sex and in the actual relationship. Kodomo no Jikan, while just as racy, does not actually feature a relationship between two people with such a wide gap in age.

      • AXYPB says:

        What I meant is that there is a lot of controversy over Kodomo no Jikan, but almost none for the former. The only explanation I can come up with is that Kodomo no Jikan is mainstream and thus more known, but I can’t accept that. It doesn’t make sense to me that an implied relationship would cause more debate than an explicit one, complete with copulation.

        • Swordwind says:

          Um, Yi, that doesn’t make any sense. Something explicit is definitely more controversial than something implied in this case. Axy, your mainstream theory is the most logical explanation. If more people knew about Hanabira 7, it’d probably be more widely criticized.

          A notable difference is that the teacher is Kodomo is male, while the Hanabira couple is entirely female. Maybe some people find that less offensive? I really don’t, though.

          I’m not exactly an expert. I haven’t seen Kodomo at all, and I couldn’t bring myself to spend time with 7.

        • Yi says:

          @AXYPB: Oops. I misunderstood what you wrote and actually thought you meant the other way around.

          Then I think it is as you’ve said. Kodomo no Jikan is more widespread and more mainstream, so the criticisms it garners will be larger. Further, I think some people find such a heterosexual relationship more unacceptable than a lesbian one. It’s analogous to many people being more forgiving of female predators as opposed to male predators. Although it’d be nice if we didn’t, we do live in a society with lots of double standards.

          @Swordwind: You said pretty much what I wanted to say in response to AXYPB. If there was yet another game that featured this age difference and had instead two males, I think it would’ve drawn even more heat than Hanabira 7. People treat males and females very differently, especially in terms of sex.

      • Verdure says:

        Is Runa (err, the loli one) around 9 years old? I can’t understand Japanese, so I’m not sure how old she is. Perhaps Kodomo no Jikan gets way more controversy because the loli is loads younger?

        • Yi says:

          @Verdure: I’m not sure how old she is either. It’s never stated, but for the sake of legal issues, I assume she’s legal.

          Kodomo no Jikan’s lolis are indeed loads younger for sure though, and that may be another reason it gets more controversy.

        • StayCold says:

          I think in the description in Hanabira-kun’s blog says that she’s in elementary school. I’m guessing she’s around 4th-5th grade (maybe 6).

        • Yi says:

          Super risqué!

  36. StayCold says:

    I’d just like to say thanks to Yi and to all the others working so hard on translating and working on these projects for us, who didn’t even pay or do anything that would help or benefit you guys. Seriously-I’m really thankful for all you hard-working people who work on Hanabira. I’m cheering you on all the way ^^!

  37. Ichigo says:

    wait…the english translation for #2 is finished!? but i couldn’t find it on the link…am i doing somehting worng?
    and u r officially a god in my head for trying to translate this

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  40. Mars says:

    She is really a BOSS isn’t she ? (Runa) XD

  41. Mars says:

    a cute BOSS yay! \/

  42. watanabe says:

    Any updates on the translation patch?

  43. Syu says:

    Ohhh I’ve been waiting for this. Do you think we can play it this summer?

  44. K says:

    When will the Hana 7 done? even they said it half way done. ;w;

  45. Dude says:

    Please let me know when the 5,6,7,8 get done I am just excited that most of them are even getting done.

  46. Nel says:

    Just curious, in this hanabira who do you play as? Also I hope Hanabira-kun finishes soon, looking forward to this!

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